Thursday, August 18, 2011


"Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."  Luke 2:52

Growing is something even Jesus did.  He grew in 4 areas:
  1. He grew "in wisdom" - intellectual development.
  2. He grew "in stature" - physical development.
  3. He grew "in favor with God" - spiritual development.
  4. He grew "in favor with men" - social and emotional development.
Your spiritual growth should not be compartmentalized, but integrated into every other aspect of your life.  This is where we have been missing it!  You cannot neglect one of these areas without endangering your growth in all of them.  So do not limit Jesus to some religious compartment of your existence and say, "A chapter a day keeps the devil away."  Wake up to the realization that you can give the Lord of your life greater control over every aspect of your being.  This is what makes the Christian life dynamic, not static.

But notice something: this is a highly individualized process.  We are each in different stages of our development.  That is why comparison is foolish.  Do not spend your life comparing yourself to others, because you are not them.  You are you!  Each day examine these 4 major areas and ask, "Lord, how am I doing?"  In some areas you will show up well, in others you will have a long way to go.  When it comes to your values and your habits you will discover that:
  • Some are good and just need to be reaffirmed.
  • Some are inconsistent and need to be reinforced.
  • Some are underdeveloped and need to be refined.
  • Some are harmful and need to be repented of.  
Bottom line?  You will grow if you commit yourself to it!


Hardeniyi said...

Great Day ma,
I saw this link and went through it, believe me its a nice idea.

Anonymous said...

nice. me like

Unknown said...

Thanks Hardeniyi and Anonymous.