Tuesday, March 22, 2011


"Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20) 

Your identity has great value not only to you, but also to the thief who wants your name and credit card to run up a stack of bills. Some of us will go to great lengths to try and gain an identity we think will make us more acceptable to a certain group - like wearing designer clothes or driving a certain car. Some think it is in their looks and opt for plastic surgery. Some identify themselves by their profession or trade. 

Too many of us are confused or basically uninformed about our true identity as redeemed children of God. This leads to false growth, or no growth. 

With the life of Christ within us there is no victory we cannot win. Your new identity also solves your self worth problem. When you understand who you are in Christ, you realize that you have already been accepted by God - and you cannot improve on that! So who are you? You are a totally forgiven, fully accepted, deeply loved, daily-empowered child of God. Once you fully grasp that, you will have joy you have never known and grow like you have never grown.

1 comment:

Linda Ikeji said...

nice blog...more people need to see it1