Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"Understanding our lives together as a church". 1 Corinthians 12:25

What should you look for when trying to find a church?  The first is Christ-centered worship, the celebration of God for who He is, and what He has done for us.  A biblical sound church places a high priority on praising God.  Second is quality Bible instruction.  Does the church you are considering believe, honor, and teach God's Word in such a way that you understand the Bible and see how it applies to your life?  Remember, you cannot grow beyond what you know.  A third characteristic of a good church is fellowship - the sharing of the life of Christ among the members.  This goes far beyond Sunday morning attendance or coffee and donuts in the fellowship hall.  True fellowship occurs when we are involved in each other's lives - caring, encouraging, correcting, loving and engaging with one another.  The church should provide us with a meaningful sense of belonging.  Fourth is the church's ministry of outreach.  A church that wants to grow, cannot be ingrown.  There is nothing wrong with being a small church - as long as you are not a small-minded church.  The church you identify with should provide you with opportunities to use your gifts and talents to touch other lives, emphasizing the importance of demonstrating your faith in word and good deeds.  In other words, the church's impact should extend well beyond its walls.

When you find a church where these priorities and experiences are regularly offered in an environment that is saturated in grace and charged with faith, you have found the right church.  Join it!  And do not ask what your church can do for you - ask what you can do for your church!

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